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The World Of Interiors Magazine Alt Text Alt Text Alt Text
The World Of Interiors Magazine
1 Commentaires | Ajouter un commentaire
Abonnement annuel: 12 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 124,95
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The World Of Interiors Magazine Abonnement

The World of Interiors Magazine subscription brings together the best and the most original features from every corner of the decorating and art world for over 25 years. A World of Interiors Magazine subscription is great for Non-professionals who want to collect every issue to see what the stars of the trade are doing. The World of Interiors Magazine contains the best design photography and writing, plus expert book reviews, round-ups of the finest new merchandise, and comprehensive previews and listings of international exhibitions.

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F. Zetteler - 25-09-2019 10:11

Beautiful magazine with many intriguing and beautiful interiors. I am particularly impressed by the past glory and the interiors in which people really live. Only objection: a lot of advertisements, but I know that there is no other way.

(translated from Dutch to English. Original review: Prachtig blad met veel intrigerende en mooie interieurs. Vooral de vergane glorie en de interieurs waarin echt geleefd wordt spreken mij aan. Enige bezwaar: wel heel veel advertenties, maar ik weet dat dat niet anders kan.)