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Abitare Magazine (English Edition)
Abitare Magazine (English Edition)
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Abonnement annuel: 10 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Italie
€ 149,95
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Abitare Magazine (English Edition) Abonnement

Gorgeous bilingual Italian/English design magazine devoted the world of design, Abitare (translation: Live or Inhabit) covers elegant design in a variety of forms. Abitare deals with design wherever it may be found, whether this is the home, beautiful objects, the office or outside. It contains well-written, in-depth features on different projects and designers, as well as examinations of the materials used in design, and news and events. The magazine itself is as elegant a work of design as the pieces featured within – being printed on lovely quality paper and in a slightly wider than A4 scale to give the features the space they need to breathe.

Abitare Magazine (English Edition) acheter en France et en Belgique.

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