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American Farmhouse Style Magazine American Farmhouse Style Magazine Alt Text Alt Text
American Farmhouse Style Magazine American Farmhouse Style Magazine Alt Text Alt Text
American Farmhouse Style Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 6 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: États-Unis
€ 64,95
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American Farmhouse Style Magazine Abonnement

American Farmhouse Style contains tips, DIY projects, and gorgeous photos that highlight the very best of farmhouse living. Farmhouse style evolved from simple roots, and today it has become one of the most popular styles for home decor. Its focus on renovation, DIY, and recycled goods makes it the perfect style for both experienced and amateur homeowners, and the versatility of the style makes it easy to integrate with other decor styles. American Farmhouse Style offers the ultimate guide to creating a classic and beautiful farmhouse home. Each issue of American Farmhouse Style is packed with interesting content, including ideas to renovate rooms, redecorate spaces, and get the most out of thrift store shopping excursions. Additionally, tours of beautiful homes will inspire readers to tackle their own projects.

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