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American Frontiersman Magazine
American Frontiersman Magazine
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The quintessential frontiersmen were those imbued with the new “American Spirit” who pushed the envelope, and the frontier, from one ocean to the other as they brought to its finest form, what we call the art and science of frontiersmanship. This spirit is alive and well 200 years into our nation’s history as our master practitioners offer timely and timeless articles on wilderness, survival, the land and the techniques that have been honed through generations. From good blades and even how to make them; frontier techniques for building hasty or permanent shelter, foraging, staying fed and making a living; making and getting the most from frontier tools; wilderness and survival medicine for staying healthy or repairing broken health; even primitive archery and manly-man recipes, the American Frontiersman celebrates the land offers timeless tips for self-reliance.

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