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American Survival Guide Magazine
American Survival Guide Magazine
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American Survival Guide is packed with the information and advice serious readers need to know to survive any emergency or catastrophe. Articles provide guidance on the simplest and most basic tasks as well as advanced skills for more long-term survival, from building a fire and preparing a first-aid kit, to growing food and providing energy to run a home. No matter how likely or unlikely an event is, readers will be prepared with the skills to survive, and even save others. Each issue also features a buyer's guide with reviews and things to consider when buying everything from shelters and tents or flashlights and backpacks, to guns. Most importantly, American Survival Guide will give readers a survivor's mindset, turning them into proactive thinkers and preparers that are braced for anything. American Survival Guide is a valuable resource for anyone who's really serious about being prepared to survive - and thrive.

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