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Angling Times Magazine Angling Times Magazine
Angling Times Magazine Angling Times Magazine
Angling Times Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 51 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 259,95
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Angling Times Magazine Abonnement

Britain's biggest-selling fishing weekly delivers exclusive, cutting edge stories and tactics from the sport's most important fish captures. Specimen, carp, predator, sea and game every significant fish will hit the headlines. We've also got a dedicated team of writers bringing you the week's money-saving deals from the nation's fisheries, tackle shops and holiday companies. If you money's tight this year we'll get you a bargain. Plus now includes new sections; bargain hunter, under a tenner, last minute holiday offers, and 2 for 1 deals at fisheries and tackle shop tokens. And every week we'll be dedicated to bringing you the best competitions - giving away all the hottest new launches on the market.

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