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Area Magazine (English Edition)
Area Magazine (English Edition)
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Abonnement annuel: 6 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Italie
€ 259,95
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Area Magazine (English Edition) Abonnement

This exceptional magazine is printed in Italian with English translations so that it can be enjoyed even if you don’t speak Italian. Each issue which is published on a bimonthly basis is focused on a general theme. All the articles, reviews, and commentaries in each issue revolve around the chosen subject matter. Themes in recent issues have include ‘on the water,’ ‘sustainable way,’ and ‘industrial building. ’ Within each issue you will find design reviews of individual buildings and products and materials, exhibitions and tradeshows. From a profile of yacht designers to articles on piano building AREA magazine brings an element of surprise and difference to the world of architectural design magazines. The photographs are exquisite, the articles well written by people who know the field of architecture but the editors of AREA stretch the concept of architectural design to include products and profiles of individuals that are unique in a design publication. A subscription to AREA brings you the world of architectural design with a European flair and an innovative approach to design.

Area Magazine (English Edition) acheter en France et en Belgique.

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