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Art Review Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 9 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 99,95
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Art Review Magazine Abonnement

There are countless magazines on stands today that focus on all the happenings in the world of contemporary art, and therefore it is quite difficult to find a good contemporary art magazine that contains the most authoritative voice regarding the world of contemporary art. Additionally, the contemporary art scene is constantly changing, and therefore it is nearly impossible to keep yourself up to date about everything important going on in the contemporary art world, such as exhibitions, new artists, and the most influential works of art from across the world. Whether you are looking for everything that is happening on the international art scene, finding the newest contemporary artists and their works, or if you just have an interest in contemporary art, then Art Review magazine is easily the most comprehensive and interesting magazine that you can find.

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