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BackTrack Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 12 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 149,95
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BackTrack Magazine Abonnement

The magazine was started by Nigel Trevena in an effort to document the railway history in Britain. Each issue contains photographic essays about the English and Irish railway system. The articles are well researched pieces on different railway subjects. The articles feature early railroad history, and articles on steam, diesel, and electric locomotive history. There are also stories on company history, carriages, wagons, stations, and the ships, hotels and roads that served the railroads. There is information on early publicity and advertising for the railroads. If you love trains and railroads, and the early history of the different powered trains in Great Britain and Ireland then you need a subscription to Backtrack Magazine. You will find the stories, photos and the insightful articles to bring the glory days of railroads back to life. Subscribe today for the best in railroad history.

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