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Beano Magazine Beano Magazine
Beano Magazine Beano Magazine
Beano Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 50 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
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Beano Magazine Abonnement

The Beano Magazine was published weekly when it was first launched, but during the Second World War, The Beano was published fortnightly, alternating weeks with Magazine The Dandy because of paper and ink rationing, but normal service was happily resumed after the end of hostilities in 1949. Dennis the Menace can currently be seen in his all-new animation series, Dennis & Gnasher, on CBBC. Each week, a subscription to The Beano Magazine will bring you 32 pages of full colour comic strips, puzzles and features. The Beano is so popular that it had its own section of the Chessington World of Adventures theme park, "Beanoland". This opened in 2000 and remained open for a decade.

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