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The Believer Magazine The Believer Magazine
The Believer Magazine The Believer Magazine
The Believer Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 4 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: États-Unis
€ 114,95
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The Believer Magazine Abonnement

By subscribing to the Believer, each month you will receive, in perfect-bound print, all the new articles, interviews, reviews, poems, and columns so enticingly excerpted here on the website; you will have the opportunity to study up close the beautiful illustrations of Charles Burns, Tony Millionaire, and our regular raft of guest artists and photographers; you can pore over each issue's two-page vertically-oriented Schema spread, more or less unreproduceable on the website; you will enjoy the feel of the Westcan Printing Group's gorgeous Roland Enviro 100 Natural recycled acid-free heavy stock paper against your hands, fingertips, and face.

The Believer Magazine acheter en France et en Belgique.

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