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Bella Magazine Bella Magazine Alt Text Alt Text
Bella Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 52 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 339,95
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Bella Magazine Abonnement

The mixture of gossip, sensational news, fashion statements, and celebrity news makes ithe magazine a must have publication. You will find stories in Bella Magazine about new diet sensations, interviews with celebrities, and photos of celebrities, and scandals galore. The magazine has all the latest news on who is divorcing whom and why and whose husband was seen where he should not have been. There are also feature articles on beauty and fashion trends, health news, recipes, and travel information. If you want to read about the lives of celebrities, or human interest stories of survival, health tips, easy to make healthy recipes, and the latest in affordable fashion, you will want to subscribe to Bella Magazine. The weekly magazine, which is just for women, will keep you up to date on all the celebrity news including movie stars, television actors and actresses, politicians and their spouses, all complete with photographs.

Bella Magazine acheter en France et en Belgique.

Commandez simplement et rapidement un abonnement à Bella Magazine en France et en Belgique sur Nous sommes spécialisés dans la vente et la livraison de magazines anglais et américains. Nous expédions Bella Magazine gratuitement à votre adresse française, belge, suisse et autrichienne et ne renouvelez jamais votre abonnement automatiquement. Bien avant la fin de votre période d'abonnement, nous vous demanderons si vous souhaitez prolonger votre abonnement d'une année supplémentaire.

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