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Bon Appetit Magazine Alt Text Alt Text Alt Text
Bon Appetit Magazine Alt Text Alt Text Alt Text
Bon Appetit Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 12 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: États-Unis
€ 57,50
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Bon Appetit Magazine Abonnement



Bon Appetit is an American elegant cooking and entertainment magazine that focuses on culinary recipes, entertaining ideas, restaurant recommendations and wine reviews. Each issue of the magazine focuses on specific theme that includes exclusive contents, from delicious recipes to featured stories about restaurants and stars in the food industry. It consist beginner’s tips that are essential for budding home chefs and helps to bring out the best culinary talents hidden inside. Moreover, its advanced articles and techniques are so significant that it creates curiosity among the professional chefs as well. Bon Appetit has 12 issues in each year. The frequencies of the number of issues are subjected to change. All the subscriptions will end automatically at the end of the subscribed period and will be renewed unless you choose to. HIGHLIGHTS:
  • Appetizing food recipes, restaurant suggestions and wine reviews.
  • Set forth food and entertainment ideas essential to throw a party of your dreams.
  • Accentuated cover designs and stunning food photography.
  • Showcases in-season produce and ingredients.
  • Recommended to bring out the culinary talents in you.

Bon Appetit Magazine acheter en France et en Belgique.

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