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Bringing History To Life Magazine
Bringing History To Life Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 6 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 134,95
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Bringing History To Life Magazine Abonnement

The breadth and depth of history is an awe-inspiring thing and something that is almost impossible to chronicle in the appropriate detail for your average history mag. Enter Bringing History To Life Magazine, a wonderful quarterly that takes a much more focused attitude to its subject matter. Each issue is focused on either a specific period or subject of history and covers it in great detail. Every great event or upheaval after all is but a compositions of dozens or hundreds or perhaps thousands of choices that culminate to earth shattering effect. So only a dedicated issue can truly encapsulate all of these to change the way we understand these moments like Bringing History to Life promises to do.

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