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British Railways Illustrated Magazine British Railways Illustrated Magazine
British Railways Illustrated Magazine British Railways Illustrated Magazine
British Railways Illustrated Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 12 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 114,95
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British Railways Illustrated Magazine Abonnement

British Railways Illustrated Magazine provides information to anyone interested in the different developments in the railway industry. In these few years it has gained a lot of publicity worldwide. There are more than forty thousand subscribers and more than eighty thousand copies of this magazine is sold bimonthly. It provides with all the necessary information to anyone who is in this industry or for that matter, someone simply interested to know about the different developments in the railway industry. British Railways Illustrated magazine is a very informative and hence, a very popular magazine in United Kingdom. It provides information on all railway related issues, latest news from the railway industry and latest developments that have occurred in the industry, information on rails, tours, stock change etc. It provides the information of the latest rail links that have been designed and planned by the British government, and the materials that have been used to design it in a cost effective and good way.

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