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Burda Style (UK) Magazine
Burda Style (UK) Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 12 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 209,95
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Burda Style (UK) Magazine Abonnement

Burday Style is the monthly fashion title packed with all the designs, tips and guidance you could need to make your own outfits for men, women and children. If you love creating your own fashion and not just buying them from a boutique, this is the perfect read for you. Find several dozens of patterns in each and every issue of this magazine. High fashion patterns, petite fashion, plus sized women fashion, toddler fashion - this magazine has got it all. Every issue of Burda Style magazine features wonderful patterns, fashion tips and accessories, all captured beautifully through the stunning photography in this publication.

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