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Caduceus Magazine
Caduceus Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 4 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 59,95
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Caduceus magazine is a healing, spiritual magazine, based in the UK, that focuses on psychological, emotional, spiritual, ecological and environmental health, therapy and growth, including natural, holistic, energy and complementary medicine. Caduceus magazine explores the frontiers of sacred science and topics covered include climate change, swine flu, Codex Alimentarius, vitamin D, sunlight health benefits, sound healing and therapy, vitamins and minerals, homoeopathy, fluoridation, iodine treatment of breast cancer, electromagnetic fields and pollution, animal communication, 2012, Mayan prophesies, psychic healing, megalithic sites, crop circles, shamanism, reincarnation and mysticism. Founded in 1987 by acupuncturist and Sufi, Sarida Brown, the magazine is published quarterly and independently and is now run and edited by medical journalist/editor Simon Best, co-author (with biophysicist Dr Cyril Smith) of the award-winning Electromagnetic Man: Health and hazard in the electrical environment (Dent, London, 1989).

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