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Cage & Aviary Birds Magazine Cage & Aviary Birds Magazine Alt Text Alt Text
Cage & Aviary Birds Magazine Cage & Aviary Birds Magazine Alt Text Alt Text
Cage & Aviary Birds Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 51 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 399,95
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Cage & Aviary Birds Magazine Abonnement

Cage and Aviary Birds is a publication dedicated to the world of birds and aviculture. Aviculture concerns the raising, housing and breeding of birds. In addition, aviculture deals with the preservation of bird habitats and ecological conservation. Dr. Jean Delacour, a dedicated avian specialist, says that aviculture is an international hobby to raise, and breed species of birds in captivity so that the birds do not suffer extinction due to habitat destruction or natural disasters. The publication currently has a readership of approximately 20,000. Those involved with birds, also raise them as companions, and as a business venture. In general, aviculture is part conservation, part education, and part research into birds.

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