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Carpology Magazine
Carpology Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 12 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 179,95
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Carpology Magazine Abonnement

Carpology magazine was created keeping the carp fishing enthusiasts in mind and it delivers in every aspect. Be it tips and tricks about carp fishing, latest and best fishing gears or popular carp fishers sharing their views, it is a one stop shop for all carp lovers. Carp fishing is regarded as one of the favorite pastimes in many parts of the world but UK citizens have always shown much interest in it. What makes carp fishing challenging is the size of the fishes. Carps can range from twenty two to ninety pounds and catching a fish that big is never child’s play. Carpology can help you set in the right direction if you intend to take up carp fishing as your hobby.

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