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Classic Military Vehicle Magazine Classic Military Vehicle Magazine
Classic Military Vehicle Magazine Classic Military Vehicle Magazine
Classic Military Vehicle Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 12 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 99,95
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Classic Military Vehicle Magazine Abonnement

Classic Military Vehicle Magazine takes a broad approach to the subject, covering the full spectrum of armoured and soft-skin vehicles from the pioneering days of the Great War, through the inter-wars period, the technological explosion of WW2, the post-war years, and right up to date, regardless of country of origin. Every month Classic Military Vehicle brings you 96 full colour pages of the best and most detailed articles and features on both modern and historic military vehicles. Edited by leading military vehicle and aviation photographer John Blackman and Published by Pat Ware, author and life long military vehicle collector, Classic Military Vehicle is the pre-eminent monthly Magazine for all military vehicle enthusiasts.

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