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Classic Porsche Magazine Classic Porsche Magazine Alt Text Alt Text
Classic Porsche Magazine Classic Porsche Magazine Alt Text Alt Text
Classic Porsche Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 9 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 142,50
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Classic Porsche Magazine Abonnement

It contains pictures of Porsches from the 1950s up and then follows it up with models from virtually every year of PreA and a handful of later 356’s and a whole host of later Porsches that is just what you asked for. With articles from all the experts and industry employees, Classic Porsche is a magazine with the most to offer! There are also stories of the owners with their cars and the reasons why the Porsche was the only car they would ever commit to. Sounds interesting? The features and exquisite detail with which the car’s anatomy is discussed is something that will definitely warm the heart of the true reader. The full page articles and features make sure to highlight what it is about the Porsche that makes it such a rage among its fans and if you are a recent convert, you will find out a lot more about your favorite vehicle!

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