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Classic & Vintage Commercials Magazine Classic & Vintage Commercials Magazine Alt Text Alt Text
Classic & Vintage Commercials Magazine Classic & Vintage Commercials Magazine Alt Text Alt Text
Classic & Vintage Commercials Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 12 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 154,95
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Classic & Vintage Commercials Magazine Abonnement

Subscribe to Classic & Vintage Commercials Magazine: the UK's biggest selling Magazine on historic lorries as well as working classics, along with readers' memories and nostalgia. We cover all aspects of today's preservation scene, with AT LEAST two restoration stories a month! We also cover rallies, news and much more. Classic Vintage Commercials Magazine is published by Kelsey Publishing Group offers unique coverage on lorries from the 1930s to 1980s, some of which are still in use. This Magazine details the growing hobby of vintage commercials refurbishing and collection. If you have a love for old time commercial carriers and if you have wide enough land property to park some of these strong machines, Classic Vintage Commercials Magazine can be your first choice.

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