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Climber Magazine Climber Magazine
Climber Magazine Climber Magazine
Climber Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 6 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 89,95
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Climber Magazine Abonnement

Climber is Britain's most popular magazine for climbers. All the information that's making news is covered with a loving eye for detail. There are also exciting features on all the various climbers that have made news for all the right reasons. Tips, instruction and advice are provided in generous doses by those experienced in the art of climbing and those who wish to make a humble beginning can also make use of the information made available. Environmental issues are of great concern, especially in our times and of late, it has become extremely necessary to ensure that the environment remains untouched and unsullied by any inroads expedition and so, Climber makes sure that you, i. e. the reader/climber understand the importance of maintaining the environment so future generations can make use of resources in the same way.

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