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Combat Aircraft Magazine
Combat Aircraft Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 12 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 109,95
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Combat Aircraft Magazine Abonnement

Combat Aircraft magazine features rare archive footage, interviews with pilots and much more to keep the reader informed. Combat Aircraft is America’s Best-selling Military Aviation Magazine. Renowned for its in-depth coverage of the world of military aviation, Combat Aircraft includes reports, expert briefings and special features on current military aircraft and industry matters. Illustrated with the finest images provided by the world’s leading aviation photographers, Combat Aircraft also links coverage of modern subjects with outstanding historical stories from World War II and the Cold War years, including rare archive imagery. As well as being visually stunning, Combat Aircraft offers readers a large amount of detailed information and thought-provoking opinion on topical military aviation issues. Combat Aircraft also offers you unprecedented access into squadron crew rooms, and straps you into the cockpits of the world’s greatest military aircraft!

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