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Complete Kit Car Magazine
Complete Kit Car Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 12 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 124,95
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Complete Kit Car Magazine Abonnement

Complete Kit Car is for car freaks, are you one? It is a complete package on all the news and views of cars from every decade starting from the early 20th century. They have articles and features with all the technical details you have been looking for, all the new models that are making the news and all the reviews from the experts that you have been waiting to hear. Do you follow car shows with a passion? Now you can read about them, with a magazine delivered right at your doorstep. It is the Complete Kit Car magazine that will bring you up, close and personal with all the models you love and all the bits of information you did not previously have. They have fantastic reader-editor interaction, which helps the magazine remain on top. You as a reader have a lot to contribute to the content and presentation of the magazine. The glossy, high-quality pictures are a treat to any viewer’s eyes and they serve a dual purpose.

Complete Kit Car Magazine acheter en France et en Belgique.

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