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Alt Text Alt Text Creative Machine Embroidery Magazine
Creative Machine Embroidery Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 6 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: États-Unis
€ 74,95
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Creative Machine Embroidery Magazine Abonnement

Fantastically fun and friendly bi-monthly approach to the wonderful hobby of machine embroidery from the USA, Creative Machine Embroidery magazine is full of enough ideas and projects to keep you occupied till the next issue comes out. Inside you’ll find well illustrated and thoroughly explained projects to try at home – from making bags, aprons and pincushions to even making a beautiful jacket! There is also a section devoted to basic training, making this a perfect read for beginners or those looking to pick up a new craft, along with tips and tricks, fashion trends in embroidery and the best products to pick up.

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