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Cyclist Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 12 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 164,95
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Cyclist Magazine Abonnement

Cyclist is a monthly magazine that was first published cycling magazine in the world. It was first launched in United Kingdom. This magazine contains latest updates and news about road biking cycling and other such aspects. It was the first magazine that has made cycling well known sports, especially in Britain. Cycling is something that people really look up to at present. It has become a very good sport. It gives the latest reviews on the various models of cycles and bikes that have been launched in the markets, expert reviews on them, manufacturing specialty, different sports gears, and cost of the items, the best deals and the best buys in the market at present. The venues of cycle races and rallies are also available in this magazine. The sports freaks look up to every issue of this magazine. Cyclist has gained a lot of popularity throughout the years and there are almost twenty five thousand readers and subscribes to it all over the world, the editors are proud of their success and are trying their best to improve their magazine.

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