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Doctor Who Special Magazine
Doctor Who Special Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 3 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 64,95
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Doctor Who Special Magazine Abonnement

Doctor Who Special is a magazine for all the fans of the TV series who want to know more about their favorite TV show! The quality of the content is unparalleled and this is reflected in the immense satisfaction of the readers across the world. The magazines are a part of every household and they have something or the other to offer to the people of every age-group; be it a baby or an elderly person. You will realize, once you pick up a copy that the content is world class and will be a lot more different than your average magazine. It is a magazine especially brought out for the teenagers and the young adults. The theme of the magazine is adapted from the hit detective drama TV series which is aired regularly on BBC entertainment. This issue is special in the sense that it is not just has a running story involving the characters of the hit television series but also gives out behind the scene trivia of the series.

Doctor Who Special Magazine acheter en France et en Belgique.

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