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Dolphin Digest Dolphin Digest Dolphin Digest
Dolphin Digest Dolphin Digest Dolphin Digest
Dolphin Digest
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Abonnement annuel: 11 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: États-Unis
€ 114,95
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Dolphin Digest Abonnement

Dolphin Digest is the encyclopedia of all things Miami Dolphins. This football magazine covers the NFL Draft to the playoffs. Whether it's football season or not, readers will know what's happening on the field and in the front offices. Parents will appreciate that this magazine provides quality content that urges your child or teen to start reading more. Whether a football fan or not, all ages will be encouraged by the stories of players that practice every day, learn to discipline themselves, and understand the importance of good sportsmanship. These are lessons they will take with them their entire life. Adults of all ages can enjoy this football magazine for the statistics and to learn about their favorite team. If the Miami Dolphins are rivals, the information presented inside this magazine might give some insight into what football fans can expect during the season. Avid fans of the Miami Dolphins or professional football will enjoy a subscription to Dolphin Digest!

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