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Echoes Monthly Magazine
Echoes Monthly Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 12 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 89,95
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Echoes Monthly Magazine Abonnement

Echoes Monthly is published from UK. It is a monthly music magazine and covers all sorts of music like Hiphop, Jazz, Souls and Reggae. It not only covers the musicians of UK, but from all over the world. The interviews with the black musicians are published regularly in the magazines. It also encourages the upcoming musicians by publishing articles on them. It guides us about the latest Club Culture. To know about the dance and music one has to go through this magazine. The review on all latest music albums helps the reader to select from the lots. It also has a classified section where one can sell or buy music album, tapes, records and music accessories. The profiles of the latest music band with reviews are published regularly in Echoes Monthly magazine which helps the readers to choose the best music.

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