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Eight by Eight Magazine
Eight by Eight Magazine
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Eight by Eight magazine is a boldly designed large-format magazine born and raised in New York City. We focus on the game’s best teams, coaches, and players, and their stories, from the bubbling potential of America’s burgeoning programs to the storied traditions of Europe’s greatest clubs. It is our ambition to tell these stories through excellent journalism; aggressive, modern design; and the best illustration and photography. Our readers are smart and inquisitive, seeking a better understanding of the game’s unseen narratives and delighting in its complexities. We believe that the same drama that captivates imaginations from the pitch should flow through our pages. So, what’s with our name? The goalposts are silent witnesses to the most dramatic moments in the game. They stand 8 feet high by 8 yards long—Eight by Eight.

Eight by Eight Magazine acheter en France et en Belgique.

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