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Fantastic Man Magazine
Fantastic Man Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 2 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 64,95
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Fantastic Man Magazine Abonnement

This is a gentleman’s bible of style. This magazine is perfect for a young man with a little style and class. Every page of the Fantastic Man magazine oozes class and sophistication in its highest class and aura. It celebrates the idea and concept of manhood, what it takes to be a man and the different aspects of a man in the society. This is a magazine that no man can afford to miss. It brings in the best in men’s fashion, combining the essence and class of the oldest days, the suave male fashion styles to the most modern and innovative trends in men’s fashion. Innovation, thoughts, and new ideas, this magazine combines all the ideas in this annual publication. Fantastic Man manages to still shed light on the extraordinary concept of being a ‘gentleman’ and demonstrates the ideas of men chivalry through the most stylish clothes. The magazine features interviews and columns by some of the most eminent personalities in the fashion arena. It concentrates on the common man. It features men in the clouds, rather the models in fashion.

Fantastic Man Magazine acheter en France et en Belgique.

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