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Fieldsports Magazine
Fieldsports Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 6 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 179,95
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Fieldsports Magazine Abonnement

Fieldsports is a country sports magazine with a focus on game shooting and fishing with a Scottish flavor, published quarterly from the UK for the global coffee table audience. Each issue of the magazine, backed up by world class photography, is a collector’s delight for its sheer quality of presentation of news, reviews, comments and products by experts in the field. Game shooting is the forte of the magazine finding extensive coverage, both for foreign and locations within the UK, under its ‘Shooting’ section. Amongst the overseas locations, teal and quail are the targets in Mexico; the Swedes look for red fox and ptarmigan; dove shooting is popular in Argentina; and the Spaniards and Moroccans go in pursuit of partridges.

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