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Fine Art Connoisseur Magazine Alt Text Alt Text Alt Text
Fine Art Connoisseur Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 6 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: États-Unis
€ 129,95
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Fine Art Connoisseur Magazine Abonnement

Fine Art Connoisseur is a bi-monthly magazine for art collectors and enthusiasts featuring articles about paintings, sculptures, drawings and prints both classical and contemporary. Perfect for both art collectors and enthusiasts with innovative articles about representational paintings, sculptures, drawings, and prints — both historical and contemporary, American and European. Over the past decade, the magazine has developed a particularly strong reputation for its editorial coverage of realism, a field of artistic excellence generally overlooked by other periodicals. Published six times per year, Fine Art Connoisseur is now a widely consulted platform for the world’s most knowledgeable experts, who write articles that inform readers and give them the tools necessary to make better purchasing decisions. Fine Art Connoisseur covers the museums, galleries, fairs, auction houses, and private collections where great art is found. In all cases, the magazine seeks to avoid the “same old” stories that other periodicals cover, instead seeking out fresh material others miss or ignore.

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