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Fine Woodworking Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 7 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: États-Unis
€ 74,95
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Fine Woodworking Magazine

A Substantial Resource For All Workshops

Fine Woodworking magazine is an American woodworking magazine that includes all the techniques essential to creating woodworks. It offers guidance from the very first stage of purchasing the required tools and their testing till the final finishing work of the woodcraft. This step by step instruction gives you the inspiration to adopt those creative ideas and thereby increases your skill as a woodworker.

The magazine is published 7 times a year. All the subscriptions will end automatically at the end of the subscription period and will not be renewed unless you choose to.


  • Showcases the techniques used by woodworkers all over the country.
  • Contains photographs, drawings, and construction plans to support the articles.
  • Features traditional techniques as well as current trends.
  • Explores both simple techniques as well asexpert advice, and gives authoritative information.
  • Equally beneficial for a novice as well as for professional woodworkers.

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