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Ford & Fordson Tractors Magazine Alt Text Alt Text Alt Text
Ford & Fordson Tractors Magazine Alt Text Alt Text Alt Text
Ford & Fordson Tractors Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 6 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 84,95
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Ford & Fordson Tractors Magazine Abonnement

This is a very fun magazine and is published on high quality glossy paper with sixty-two pages of tractor information and the tractor people who love Fords and Fordson tractors. Ford and Fordson Tractors Magazine is a bi-monthly publication and there are contributions from well-known authors from all over the world. Sections include “Down in the Workshop”, “Members Tractors”, “Collectors across the World”, and the “FFA Model Corner”. Read about F/F histories in the section titled “Memory Lane”. This magazine is an incredible fun read. Read and sign up for the Ford & Fordson Northern Area Plowing Championships on Sunday November 4th. All members who have a Ford and or Fordson tractor are invited to enter - no qualifying needed! All you need is a vintage tractor, spares, and maybe know a bit about agriculture and how to drive a tractor and plow a field.

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