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Furniture & Cabinetmaking Magazine Furniture & Cabinetmaking Magazine
Furniture & Cabinetmaking Magazine Furniture & Cabinetmaking Magazine
Furniture & Cabinetmaking Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 6 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 87,50
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Furniture & Cabinetmaking Magazine Abonnement

Furniture & Cabinetmaking is the UK's only magazine dedicated to the finer aspects of contemporary and classic woodwork. With an emphasis on quality and design, the magazine aims to promote excellence in furniture making by showcasing modern and classic furniture and the associated construction techniques. Topical features, reports of major shows, plus important industry news and reliable reviews of machine tools and hand tools complete the mix of content that makes F & C an essential reaed for the furniture maker.

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