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Gibbons Stamp Monthly Magazine
Gibbons Stamp Monthly Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 12 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 134,95
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Gibbons Stamp Monthly Magazine Abonnement

Gibbons Stamp Monthly – the home of stamp collecting since 1856, is also the leading philatelic best selling monthly magazine of U. K, and the world’s oldest too. The A to Z of anything and everything to do with philately is available online from their website. Interesting well researched articles by leading philatelic writers meant for thematic and new collectors and specialists don its pages. Every issue carries a catalogue supplement to keep enthusiasts updated with their collections, apart from a dedicated page for UK, and generic information about new issues. Regular subscribers are offered discount deals on catalogues, albums and accessories. Stamp collectors can also get to have the latest worldwide postal news and auction results through this magazine. It has acquired an unblemished reputation for its honest dealing and expertise, apart from its excellent customer service for providing products of the highest quality.

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