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Go Girl Magazine
Go Girl Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 12 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 184,95
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Go Girl Magazine Abonnement

Filled with fun activities, cool quizzes, friendship tips and everything girls want to know about their fave celebrities, it's all a girl needs. Go Girl is funny, friendly, informative and entertaining. The magazine is packed with posters of their fave stars, perfect puzzles to keep readers busy for ages and lots of quizzes so girls can find out all about themselves. There's gossip on all the coolest TV, pop and movie stars, celeb secrets, hilarious embarrassing stories, fun photostories and friendship features. Go Girl is the coolest lifestyle magazine for girls aged 7-11 and showcases the latest fashions, hot new products and competitions where girls can win once in a lifetime experiences. It's an inclusive club that every girl can be part of and will give every girl a fun, exciting experience in a safe, colourful way.

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