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Good Housekeeping (USA) Magazine Alt Text Alt Text Alt Text
Good Housekeeping (USA) Magazine Alt Text Alt Text Alt Text
Good Housekeeping (USA) Magazine
1 Commentaires | Ajouter un commentaire
Abonnement annuel: 12 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: États-Unis
€ 49,95
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Good Housekeeping (USA) Magazine Abonnement

Good Housekeeping Magazine, together with the Good Housekeeping Institute and the Good Housekeeping Seal, is an American icon of consumer protection and quality assurance. Every issue delivers a unique mix of independent investigation and trusted reporting, along with inspirational and personal stories. The Magazine's rich tradition embodies a commitment to the modern home and to a woman's quality of life.

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Rita Mertens - 18-09-2019 07:57

I used to buy it often and thought it was a great magazine. (Ik heb het vroeger dikwijls gekocht en vond het een super tijdschrift.)