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Homespun Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 6 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Australie
€ 109,95
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Homespun Magazine Abonnement

Beautifully photographed and exquisitely presented, Australian Homespun is Australia’s no 1 patchwork, appliqué and stitchery magazine. Bursting not only with inspiring and informative articles, Homespun proudly presents 10 original and exciting projects from leading Australian and international designers each month. Learn how to make quilts from miniature to large and everything in between, wallhangings, table runners, cushions, dolls, softies, and so much more. We teach you different embroidery techniques as well, plus each project is accompanied by plenty of step-by-step instructions and easy-to-follow diagrams . Keep up to date on all the latest events in the craft industry and find out what new products are being launched. With full sized patterns on a pull-out sheet and plenty of hints and tips to be found inside, Australian Homespun is the quintessential crafter’s magazine.

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