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Iron Fist Magazine
Iron Fist Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 6 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 74,95
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Iron Fist Magazine Abonnement

Iron Fist magazine is aimed squarely at connoisseurs, catering for the disciples of heavy metal, whether that be traditional or classic metal, black, death, thrash or power metal. Iron Fist is born out of passion for music and is a call to arms for other metal maniacs that want to reminisce about the genre’s early days while remaining hungry for the new blood keeping the scene alive. With Iron Maiden, Metallica, King Diamond and Black Sabbath ruling the summer stages at festivals and on worldwide tours, it is undisputed that heavy metal is back on top and Iron Fist will be the bi-monthly bible for those that can’t live without their denim and leather.

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