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Kayak Session Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 4 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 64,95
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Kayak Session Magazine Abonnement

Kayak Session focus only on kayaking. Kayaking is an extreme water sport that has made it big in the recent times. Played at various local and global levels, kayaking have made it important for people to know and understand this sport and this can only be done through the magazine called, Kayak Session. It lists a lot of important details about technique as well as the way in which the conducting of this sort is done. To make this a most risk-free sport, the magazine tries to inform readers about the dangers involved and how they can save themselves from it. Kayak Session has a great list of all the new events involving kayaks are about to happen. They also talk about the brilliant way in which these are sponsored and conducted. The magazine can also write brilliant reviews on the various programs that had been held before and how the players fared in it individually.

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