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Kent Life Magazine
Kent Life Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 12 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 199,95
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Kent Life Magazine Abonnement

Kent Life is the magazine that puts the gloss on life in Kent. Every month it's packed with features about this picturesque part of England - from characters and personalities to heritage and traditions. We turn the focus on our towns and villages and give comprehensive guides to enjoying life in Kent - including what's on, restaurant reviews and topical features on major events. There are also pages of the best property, fashions and the interior design of some of the area's most interesting homes. And there's also our celebrated society diary pages - where everybody wants to be seen or see people they know. In short, Kent Life is the magazine for people who love Kent - and who want to get the most from their Kent Life. In short, Kent Life is the magazine for people who love Kent - and who want to get the most from their Kent Life.

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