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Kitchen Garden Magazine Kitchen Garden Magazine Alt Text Alt Text
Kitchen Garden Magazine Kitchen Garden Magazine Alt Text Alt Text
Kitchen Garden Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 12 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 94,95
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Kitchen Garden Magazine Abonnement

Kitchen Garden Magazine is Britain's best guide to growing your own. It offers down-to-earth advice from the finest minds in gardening to make sure you get the tastiest produce from your plot. There are tips on how to grow a wide range of fruit and vegetable crops and how to control troublesome pests plus what to do on your plot each month. Also buying guides, recipes and inspirational garden visits. Gardeners up and down the country share their experiences of sowing, growing and harvesting and every month KG has prizes and offers that could save you a fortune on a range of gardening essentials.

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