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Little Looms Magazine Alt Text Alt Text Little Looms Magazine
Little Looms Magazine Alt Text Alt Text Little Looms Magazine
Little Looms Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 4 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: États-Unis
€ 84,95
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Inside Every Issue of Little Looms:

  • A mix of 18–22 projects, techniques, and features for beginning and more experienced weavers, expanding the focus on fundamental weaving skills, creative inspiration, and innovative applications. From quick and easy to intricate and elegant, you’ll find a wide range of designs in every issue.
  • Product and yarn reviews, features on weaving and weavers in the community, tips to make weaving easier and more enjoyable, and design ideas.
  • In addition to the core subjects of rigid-heddle and pin-loom weaving, Little Looms regularly includes projects and articles about tapestry and bandweaving.
  • Tips, techniques, and tricks of the trade – Help you stay on top of your game.

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