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Magnificat (UK) Magazine
Magnificat (UK) Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 12 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 74,95
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Magnificat (UK) Magazine Abonnement

Magnificat Magazine features the complete readings for each Sunday, weekday and feast day Mass; daily reflections on the Gospel from the Church's greatest minds; a fresh take on the lives of the saints. All of this presented in a lavishly printed, visually stunning, and easy-to-read pocket-sized companion. Each day also includes beautiful prayers for both morning and evening, drawn from the riches of the Liturgy of the Hours; and each issue concludes with a discussion and quality reproduction of a masterpiece of sacred art. Magnificat Magazine publishes 12 monthly issues a year, as well as two special issues for Christmas week and Holy week. You’ll discover that its timeless rich content, daily relevance and sheer beauty make a subscription to Magnificat a real treasure for every Catholic home.

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