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Majesty Magazine Alt Text Alt Text Alt Text
Majesty Magazine
1 Commentaires | Ajouter un commentaire
Abonnement annuel: 12 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 99,95
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Majesty Magazine Abonnement

Every Month Majesty gives its readers a colourful insight into the privileged lives of the royal families of the world. Personalities, lifestyles and fashion are all captured in exciting features and stunning photographs. Majesty records all the important royal engagements and takes an in-depth look at the dramatic history of Britain's monarchs. Month by month it builds into a beautiful and authoritative collection.

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Jans Fröger - 25-08-2019 09:58

Nicely designed magazine. Nice to read.

Translated from Dutch to English. Original text:

Mooi verzorgd blad. Prettig te lezen.