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McCalls Quilting Magazine Alt Text Alt Text McCalls Quilting Magazine
McCalls Quilting Magazine Alt Text Alt Text McCalls Quilting Magazine
McCalls Quilting Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 6 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: États-Unis
€ 54,95
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McCalls Quilting Magazine Abonnement

Quilting is a delicate hobby that is dearly loved by people from across the globe; however, quilting is no easy task that takes years and countless hours of practice to start getting involved with this activity. With Mccalls Quilting you will be able to start improving your skill today with detailed information and information covering everything involved with the quilting scene. Whether you are a long-time quilter or you just getting involved with this hobby, Mccalls Quilting has everything to bring you the inspiration and motivation to start your next quilting project today. Full of wonderful photos and illustrations of beautiful projects from across the globe, this magazine serves as great eye-candy for quilting lovers as well as people looking for ideas for their next project. This magazine is very passionate about helping you hone your quilting skill, as each issue contains lively tutorials, step-by-step quilting guides, and expert advice that will undoubtedly help you improve your skill.

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