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Model Engineers Workshop Magazine Model Engineers Workshop Magazine Alt Text Alt Text
Model Engineers Workshop Magazine Model Engineers Workshop Magazine Alt Text Alt Text
Model Engineers Workshop Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 13 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 124,95
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Model Engineers Workshop Magazine Abonnement

Model Engineers Workshop is a captivating magazine that wholly focuses on the subject of constructing machines. Whether you have never constructed a workable machine before in your life or if youre an expert in the field, this magazine will show you all of the ins and outs in terms of machine construction, engine detail, accessories, and the tools that you absolutely need to get the job done properly. It has organized their entire publication to fit the needs of anyone who has an interest in machine and engine construction, from manually operated machines to computer numeric controlled (CNC). The magazine considered itself to be the ultimate practical hobby magazine, and therefore in each issue you will find tons of articles regarding both easy and difficult engine and machine construction advice, tips, and guides regarding all the ways that you can go about making your very own engine that works admirably.

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